Matan Shtepel

Howdy! I'm Matan Shtepel: first-year PhD student at Carnegie Mellon advised by Wenting Zheng and Rashmi Vinayak.
I've worked primarily in cryptography ∩ coding-theory and I am broadly interested in theory. I co-organize the Crypto Seminar at CMU (reach out if you'd like to give a talk!).
Office: Gates 9213.
Previously I was a Research Assistant at UPenn with Brett Falk and Pratyush Mishra where I was partially funded by a grant from the Sui Foundation. Before, I did CS & Math at UCLA, worked with Rafail Ostrovsky, and founded Theory@UCLA.
Outside of research, math, and building subpar academic websites, I also enjoy
fashion, Australian rock, running, reading, snowboarding, and spending an
unhealthy amount of time on looking at mathematician and scientists' bios on Wikipedia.
I'm also interested in getting students (particularly community college students) excited about and involved in research (embarrassing example!) If you're interested in having me give a talk / anything else please reach out!
Contact me for pretty much any reason!
"It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover." (Poincaré)
Malicious Security for PIR (almost) for Free
B. Falk, P. Mishra, M. Shtepel
DORAM revisited: Maliciously secure RAM-MPC with logarithmic overhead
B. Falk, D. Noble, R. Ostrovsky, M. Shtepel, J. Zhang
GigaDORAM: Breaking the Billion Address Barrier (USENIX'23)
B. Falk, R. Ostrovsky, M. Shtepel, J. Zhang
- Mark Burgin, Matan Shtepel "On Totalization of Computable Functions in a Distributive Environment", (International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (GPAA)). Once published online, will be available here.
In alphabetical order.
Contact Me!
Considering dropping me a line? Please, do not hesitate! I am happy to receive any and all questions, offers, suggestions and vegan steak recipes (but please, nothing more 😉). first.lastat
Selected Photos

Friendsgiving at Gaurav and Barry's, Friendship, Pitt.

CMU squad Chicago bound!

Theory group outing to some Pittsburgh brewery 🍻

Jus' Chillin' 🙃

Took my son Matthew on a trip to show him where George Washington crossed the Delaware River 🇺🇸

Lil' high school reunion
UCLA Theory Guild in the last meeting of winter 23.' Say, "lattices!"
Last night at Hack Lodge 23'. Catch our live, "deliverable" demos here!
Saying bye to roomies Matt (left) and Eric (right) on last night in undergrad

Research partner Jacob Zhang wearing the cryptography shirt I made for him in front of the whiteboard we hung in our room!

Recognize the poster above my bed?

Yah? That construction on the board behind me? We found a flaw in the proof about 3 hours later 😎

Celebrating Kylee's Birthday

Wearing my favorite paradox

After a relaxing surf

At the Josh tree park

“Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more."

As you may find me on a regular afternoon...