We are the UCLA Theory Guild!

Howdy! We are UCLA's (first?) theoretical computer science community.

During spring quarter, we will be meeting twice a week (Tu,Th 6-7pm PT) to talk about lattices. We will focus on lattice-based cryptography, but plan touch upon lattices in algorithms and complexity as well. Practically speaking, we will be "taking" Vinod Vaikuntanathan's graduate course, discussing the lecture-material, collaboratively solving the problem-sets, and following our curiosity through various digressions. Mathematical maturity is expected, linear algebra is necessery, and cryptography might be helpful.

If for some crazy reason, that sounds like fun to you, please join our Discord Server! Hope to see you there! Feel free to reach out with any questions!

This quarter, the guild will be ran jointly by Matan Shtepel and Nakul Khambhati. Matan, who has graduated Winter23', will be transitioning control of the club to Nakul.

UCLA Theory Guild in the last meeting of winter 23'. Members of The Guild, left to right: Eric C., Lucas, Kevin, Matan, Eric G., Nakul, Jonathan, Alan, and Boran.

A more dramatic picture of the guild taken on Matan's old digital camera. Somebody say "TCS avangers?"